Super Foundational Kids (Phonics)
Teacher's College Writing Workshop
Reading: Students participate in a systematic phonics program which involves teaching beginners to read and pronounce words by learning the phonetic (or spoken) value of letters, letter combinations and syllables. In this program, information is presented in small bits and pieces, reviewed, and reinforced daily. New learning builds on old learning and practice reinforces both. Students learn to become confident readers with a solid foundation on which to build future learning. They learn the importance of the written code and write for a variety of different purposes. Reading is the key. We encourage parents to read anything and everything with their children, let them help with words they know, and let words be a revelation to them this year.
Writing: Students develop independent writing skills by writing in their journals each day and through more formal individual and class writing exercises. They also learn to write simple stories. They work on simple punctuation, reading and writing. Each morning starts with the children writing a journal entry. In September, they can be reluctant to write anything other than their name or letters of the alphabet. We help them express their thoughts by giving them writing prompts. Gradually, “no word” days are introduced and students are expected to write unaided, sounding out words for themselves.