Welcome to the Old Orchard Service League

Please call us OOSL (Ooo-sul), everyone does. We are a non-profit volunteer parent support group that raises funds to support enrichment programs for Old Orchard students.


Book Fair? That's OOSL. Hot Lunch? That's us too. Silent Auction? Check! Fifth Grade Science Camp and 8th Grade trip to Crow Canyon? Check and check. We could go on and tell you about the assemblies and field trips we fund ... but you get the idea. 



We also host a variety of community-building events throughout the year. We would love to see you at our monthly board meetings and events. Did we mention we are all volunteers? So it follows that we would also love to have you as a volunteer. We have opportunities for every schedule, from one-time gigs to year-long projects to board membership.



The good news is that even when we are working hard, we are having fun and building community together. Check out our events page to see what we are up to, read our bylaws and minutes. Have ideas for us? Shoot us an email.